Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dasha Astafieva Proves Brunettes Have More Fun

Dasha Astafieva has turned Hugh Hefner's head, proving brunettes do have more fun sometimes. Although I've spent most of my time as a blonde, I also had some very mysterious brunette moments. Dasha has dashed right by the three blondes on Hef's arm and is really getting the Playboy mogul's attention. Seems "The Girls Next Door" aren't very pleased about having five instead of four around...

The final decision is Hef's. In fact, the National Enquirer reported, "Dasha’s natural endowments and beauty stunned Hef. Dasha’s natural endowments and beauty stunned Hef. Dasha has upset the pecking order by pushing her way into Hef’s heart. The competition for his attention is really intense among the girls because of her."

Dasha appears in plenty of naked pics, showing off her finer qualities. The alluring Ukrainian model won Stars Factory, a reality program back home and posed for Playboy Ukraine, receiving the honor of Playmate of the Year for 2007. Apparently Kendra is getting her undies in a bunch about Dasha. After all, Kendra was the one who wanted to have 86 year old Hef's baby. Doesn't she know desperation is just not sexy? No wonder Hef is checking out Dasha - you go girl and strut your dark-haired stuff!
Luv yas,

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